Monday, August 8, 2011

Weekend at the Clarks

Braeden and I spent the weekend at Uncle Jim and Aunt Alice's. We had a lot of fun. Braeden played with his cousins and went shopping with Aunt Alice and Jordan. Brandon gave Braeden a Woody toy and it did not leave his side the entire weekend. Brandon even let Braeden take it home.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Day at the Beach...

Braeden and I went to the Isle of Palms the other nite and walked the beach. Braeden wanted me to write his name in the sand and he told me exactly how to spell it. He is such a smart boy. We walked the beach and we ended our "boys' night" at the Windjammer.

When we got back home I was ready for bed but Braeden wasn't quite ready. We stayed up watching Archie and Dora.